Small-Group Yoga for Kids

Our kids yoga classes are divided into different age groups to ensure programs are customized to each child’s level of mental and physical development. Our classes are small (6-8 max) so we can get to know each of our kids and their needs/abilities, and as a result, no two classes are taught exactly the same. The Yogi Cubs curriculum covers topics such as growth mindset development, emotional awareness, self-awareness/acceptance, and coping strategies for life’s everyday challenges. Classes are developed using a storytelling method often incorporating adventures from popular children’s books and movies. Each class includes the following activities:
- 30 Minutes of yoga: introductions, warm-up, mindfulness game, breath work & yoga flow
- 30 Minutes of art: a mindful art/craft project related to the class theme. Our art projects are focused on the experience of creating rather than the end result to encourage our students to focus on the present moment.
Parents’ Night Out
Keep an eye on our Fridays for special 2.5 hour sessions when we’ll have our own pizza party, play some yoga/mindfulness games, and get creative! This activity is great for children 4 years of age and up. We currently have two options available, each available one Friday a month:

- Fort-Night – We will all work together to build a blanket fort, cars, helicopters, whatever we can imagine after we get to know each other over dinner. We start the session with a team-building activity to get us used to working together. Then we spend a little time planning out our fort and how we’ll work together to build it. This is a great STEM activity that promotes visualization and teamwork.

- Crafty Cubs – Our students love arts & crafts so we’re offering craft nights that include 3-4 guided art/craft projects. Some examples of past projects include: a guided meditation where we visualize our happy place, then we paint it on canvas boards, marbled worry stones made with oven-baked clay, calm-down glitter jars, shrink plastic necklace charms, and so much more.
Private Family Yoga & Art

Join us for a private family yoga & art class to move and create as a family. These classes are child-centered including a yoga story for the families with younger children or themed yoga flows for families with older children. After yoga we move to the art room for a mindful arts & crafts project. The private classes enable us to offer a tailored class so if you have special needs, let us know when you schedule.
Storybook Tea Party

Join us for a parent/child tea party and story time! This 30 minute session is a great way to introduce your little ones (2-5 yrs) to some mindful movement. We’ll start with story time including mindful movement throughout so children (and their grown-ups) can engage. Then, we’ll learn how to mindfully sip our tea. Finally, watch your little ones enjoy some free play as they host their tea party!
Birthday Parties
Treat your little one and friends to a yoga adventure and arts & crafts session for their birthday! We can come to you with all of the props and supplies necessary to host the yoga and crafting session. In studio, we have basic party table settings and a photo backdrop. You will need to provide your own themed decorations (if desired) and food. We will take care of everything else. We will even match our yoga adventure to your preferred party theme. We can accommodate up to 8 children in studio or we can come out to your party location for larger groups. Parties start at $200 for 2 hours (45 minutes yoga & games; 45 minutes arts/crafts, 30 minutes cake & gift opening)